Playground Sessions Vs Simply Piano

Playground Sessions Vs Simply Piano (2024)

When it comes to learning piano online, there’s a myriad of options available, but we believe online learning stands out as one of the best. 

Amidst the sea of competitive choices, it can be daunting to determine the ideal fit for you. Through our extensive reviews, we’ve delved into various subscription options, leaving many readers torn between options. 

Thanks to recent technological advancements, learning instruments online has become not only convenient but also cost-effective. Among the top contenders are Playground Sessions and Simply Piano. 

In our comparison article, we’ve dissected these platforms, highlighting their similarities and differences to aid you in making an informed decision. 

Playground Sessions Vs Simply Piano

Playground Sessions Vs Simply Piano

Learning to play the piano can be daunting, but there are tools out there to make it easier for beginners. Two popular options are Playground Sessions and Simply Piano. They both have their pros and cons, and the right choice depends on your preferences.

Playground Sessions is a program that works best on computers like Mac or Windows. You’ll need to connect it to a digital keyboard for the best experience. 

On the other hand, Simply Piano is an app that you can use on your phone or tablet. It works with both acoustic and digital pianos, and you don’t need to connect it to a keyboard.

Here’s a quick comparison to help you choose:

  1. Device Compatibility: Playground Sessions is for computers, while Simply Piano is for smartphones and tablets.
  2. Learning Style: Simply Piano has a fun, cartoonish vibe, while Playground Sessions offers a more traditional one-on-one setting.
  3. Song Selection: Playground Sessions has a larger library.
  4. Video Length and Depth: Playground Sessions tutorials are longer and more detailed.
  5. Ease of Use: Simply Piano is simpler, while Playground Sessions offers more detailed options.
  6. Equipment Needed: Playground Sessions requires a keyboard connection, while Simply Piano can work without one.

Choose based on your preferred learning style, song selection, and available devices.

Similarities Between Playground Sessions and Simply Piano

Playground Sessions and Simply Piano may seem different, but they share some key similarities. 

Here’s how they’re alike:

  1. Both offer clear, step-by-step lessons. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, you can follow structured guides to improve your piano skills. This makes them stand out from other piano software.
  2. They both include a piano interface for playing along with lessons. You can use your own piano or keyboard, without needing any extra equipment. Plus, you can record your practice sessions for later review.
  3. Both have free trials but require a subscription for full access. You’ll need to pay a monthly fee to unlock all the lessons and songs. It’s a small price to pay for a wealth of learning resources.
  4. You can have multiple accounts on both platforms. This means you and your family members can track progress separately. Additionally, you can adjust settings to tailor your learning experience, although this may come with an extra cost.
  5. Customer support is top-notch for both programs. They prioritize helping customers and respond quickly to inquiries. You won’t have to endure long wait times or frustrating support experiences.

In summary, Playground Sessions and Simply Piano are both excellent choices for learning piano. They offer structured lessons, interactive features, and great customer support. Deciding between them comes down to personal preference and specific needs.

Which One Is Right for You?

If you’re just starting out with learning piano and want something easy to use, Simply Piano is the way to go. It’s perfect for beginners who want straightforward lessons without too many extra features. You can use it on your phone or tablet, making it great for learning on the go. It’s best for basic learning and getting used to playing.

On the other hand, if you’re more serious about learning piano and want to progress to an expert level eventually, Playground Sessions is the better option. It’s more suited for those who are beyond the beginner stage and want a more realistic approach to learning. You’ll need a computer or laptop to use it, along with a digital keyboard, but it offers a more in-depth learning experience.

So, if you’re a beginner looking for simplicity, go with Simply Piano. If you’re aiming to become an advanced pianist and prefer a serious approach to learning, choose Playground Sessions.


In conclusion, both Playground Sessions and Simply Piano offer valuable resources for aspiring pianists, catering to different learning preferences and skill levels. 

Simply Piano’s accessibility and user-friendly interface make it an ideal choice for beginners seeking simplicity and convenience. 

On the other hand, Playground Sessions provides a more immersive and in-depth learning experience, suitable for those aiming to advance their skills to a higher level.

Ultimately, the decision between the two platforms hinges on individual preferences, such as learning style, device compatibility, and long-term goals. 

Whether you opt for the playful charm of Simply Piano or the structured approach of Playground Sessions, both programs offer a pathway to mastering the piano. 

So, explore your options, consider your needs, and embark on your musical journey with confidence.

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